
Corporate raiders saw an opportunity under Reagan's business friendly administration. T Boone Pickens, Carl Icahn, Michael Milken, and many more, managed to change the corporate outlook to a singular goal of investor profits, community and employees be damned. I'm not sure, but maybe "the bottom line" became a "popular" expression at that time. Reagan's war on unions had a lot to do with that. The last few years have seen an upswing in union membership, but the road to decent treatment of the workers is going to be a long one!

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Cashew is adorable and also your cast iron set up is awesome!

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Thank you! I have so much cast iron and use it all the time!

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Need help please anyone else willing to help me with goal ✅🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Yes, the round-up idea is great—thanks!

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There have been so many articles written about what is coming and how our lives are all going to change. I clicked on the first link about GM and corporate greed. After reading the article, the first comment dismissed the article and said the Dems lost because their candidate was a black woman?

The dems also lost because they entered the election with a 37% approval rate. The people that felt left behind in the economy aren't reading Substack or Robert Reich. They need help now and not everyone that voted for Donald Trump is a "Trumper" or a "MAGA" enthusiast, they voted for the Republican candidate who yes, is a horrible person, but DJT is not a Fascist.

In 2020 after the election people took to the streets shouting "love won" and how Biden was going to bring change. Love didn't win, hate did. People hated DJT so much that they voted for Biden, the world is on fire, they had 4 years and they failed miserably. Plain and simple, it is not just the presidency that went republican. Governorships, and state house races etc.

One last thing, we have always had "Class Warfare", the columns like yours separate people and the "haves and have nots". That is another reason DJT won. The have nots had a really tough 4 years.

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In what deluded universe is that guy not a fascist? He’s a textbook fascist; where have you been? Secondly, are you seriously trying to school an actual working class woman living in a small town on a modest income what life is like for the have-nots?

The incoming Fascist In Chief may destroy this country. People like me are exactly who will suffer.

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Great response, Michelle.

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Michelle one of the articles you put in your recap of the week was about the Democrats needing to engage in “Class Warfare”. I was giving my opinion about the article and how class warfare has been around forever, in fact the only reference to you was about how your columns often separate the classes. I was stating a fact about the economy and how certain “have nots” that previously didn’t vote for him in 2016/20, did this time around. I really don’t see where “schooling “ came in.

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